A quick cheat sheet based on Charlie Munger and Nasim Taleb’s learning. (My understanding).
Rahul dravid and Not Sachin tendulkar.
Chai wala and Not dynasty
Charlie Munger and Not Warren buffett
Practitioner and not academician
CAR/DD and not total returns
Love and not attachment.
Minimalism and not possession.
Jagvir faujdar (Fat tony) and not Shashi tharoor.
Trump and not Hillary
Process and not results. (All individual brilliance is subject to 90% luck if not 100)
business and not slavery, err i mean salary
Direct and not Trail commissions
Single product offering (PPFAS) and not otherwise
a lot of small losses and not blow up
Prevention and not cure. (It is a lot easier to avoid triggering emotion rather than try to fight it; )
Simple and not complex. (Price action and Not indicators)
Spirituality and not religion
Intelligence and not feminism (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNzLeZEZ9fU)
Implementation (Application) and not Rules.
Profit and NOT NGO.
Stoic and not IYI
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