
Number of complaints
At the Start of the month New cases during month Resolved Pending at end of month Reason for delay
0 0 0 0 NA





At MysticWealth, customer service takes precedence over other priorities. Our communication channels are always open to address and respond to any grievance or feedback.  Your first mode of communication with us is email.


Please write to us at regarding any deficiency of service experienced as an investor.

In case you are not satisfied with our solution and response, second step of registering your complaint is through Registering on SCORES Portal

Investors can register their grievance by registering themselves on  SCORES is a portal developed by SEBI for grievance redress mechanism. MysticWealth will redress the grievance within 30 days of receipt of the grievance through SCORES. If the grievance is not redressed within 30days then the complaint shall be registered in SCORES. Disclosure of Queries/ Complaints: On a monthly basis, queries/ complaints with the resolution time will be uploaded on the website for information of investors. This information will be displayed on our website in accordance with SEBI circular CIR/MIRSD/3/2014 dated August 28, 2014.


Please download our INVESTMENT CHARTER here.