Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is MWM?
MWM (MysticWealth Momentum is a 20 stock portfolio selected on the basis of Price momentum and reviewed every week. Please download the historic back-test for your perusal. ( )
How’s the performance like, and what to expect?
MWM is an aggressive strategy to capture the momentum alpha, It outperforms the broader markets in bull run, tries to fall lesser than the benchmarks in bear markets and struggles in range bound slow falling markets. So historically, it rode the entire 2003-2007 bull run, had 30% drawdown in 2008 sub prime crises, Rode the 2009-10 recovery. Had a bad 2011. Similarly in latest past, it rode the modi rally of 2014, did not fall much in 2016, did well in 2017 but Struggled in 2018 (28% draw down) , was able to avoid corona crash and basically nailed 2020-21.
What is the Stock universe and how do you avoid sector concentration?
MWM is market cap and sector agnostic, however our liquidity and other filters ensure that we usually stay away from BSE only listed stocks.
What is the churn and what are the TAX implications?
Historically, 980 trades were taken in a period of 10 years. It is safe to assume that we would be paying STCG (Short term capital gain) tax on our profits.
Why can’t I just buy UTI Momentum Mutual fund?
We get asked this question a lot, here is a detailed answer. ( )
Markets are Over bought/Oversold Right now, Is this the right time to buy.
This is another most common questions, here is a detailed answer. ( )
How can I Avail this Model portfolio.
You have 02 options.
- You can become a website member and get access to both of Model portfolios MWM (MysticWealth momentum and MWV (Mysticwealth Value)
- We have tied up with Smallcase for ease of execution You can subscribe to our smallcase directly.
Smallcase membership would entitle you to Momentum portfolio only and NOT both.
SMALLCASE Subscription
Here is a broad difference between MWM on smallcase vs MWM on website
Here, we wrote this BLOG for you to decide, which subscription suits you.
HOW are trades Executed ?
MWM smallcase members receive an email on Monday with an actionable button to activate the recommended changes. They can also log in to their smallcase account (broker a/c as well or the app) to see the proposed changes.
We recommend you subscribe to Newsletter which is sent every weekend updating you on the changes well in advance. Read this blog for details.( )
MWM Website members get an email every weekend to know what’s to be expected on a Monday. They also become part of a wassap broadcast. MWM Website members get access to GOOGLE SHEET that maintains all the details of Model portfolio, Performance, past transactions etc.