** We would like to apologize to the regular followers of our blog for bombarding them with barrage of BLOGS pertaining to model portfolio. Going forward, we would be creating a separate Feed for paid subscribers and this blog would continue to write on generic topics of psychology, risk management and other worldly things like before.
What to Expect.
For those of you who are interested in our Model Portfolio services, here is a sneak.
MysticWealth would be transformed into a new website with dedicated login for the paid subscribers. You will be able to access the Model Portfolio of all 03 segments. Value, Momentum and Options. (MWM,MWV and MWO) Please have a look below at the screen shot to get an idea.
Similarly you would be able to view all the past transactions with details.
Apart from the model portfolios, we intend to provide you with relevant videos explaining the various nuances involved in risk management, option pricing, volatility skew, special situations to equip you in taking robust decisions.
The Performance page would keep a tab on all the relevant statistics for all 03 segments. That would include, performance graph, avg winners/losers, winning percentage etc.
Keeping the transparency maxim in mind, this performance page would be available to all the free members as well. We would like to succeed or fail in public with nothing to hide.
Paid subscribers would receive an email every time any action is taken on any of the portfolios. We are also contemplating broadcasting service to ensure that clients are updated real time.
What 2 Expect:
The value portfolio would be unrelated to its benchmarks for a considerable amount of time. It can under-perform for a long time. However hopefully as in past, once we get it right, we get it right in a BIG way!!
Option Portfolio is very conservative in operations and look to earn around a percent every month on YTD basis.
Momentum portfolio would do better than benchmarks in Bull runs and hopefully perform less worse than them in bear markets due to trend following overlay. While we have backtested the robustness of both momo and spin offs, we still like the use of word ‘hopefully’ as future can have a lot of curve balls unprecedented in nature.
Stay tuned as the count down begins for the actual launch. In the meanwhile, the Portfolios are already active and running here