Mystic Wealth :
Mystic Wealth is a skin in the game advisory for the DIY (Do it yourself) investors. It is an empirical evidence based, data driven approach to invest your hard earned money. We run 03 model portfolios on our website (Momentum, Value and Options)
MysticWealth Momentum (MWM)
We strongly believe that Return is always Risk adjusted. Standalone Return numbers do not tell you anything. MysticWealth runs a 20 stock model portfolio on its website. Stocks are selected by an Algorithm without any human discretion. The algorithm decision making is based on a combination of Price and Earnings momentum. We have backtested the efficacy and robustness of the system. Please click here to know more about it.
MysticWealth Value (MWV)
Mystic Wealth has an Investment advisory offering under a marketing tie up with Mr Dayananad Deshpande (SEBI registered RIA # INA000010539). Our extensive research has zeroed on spin offs and turn arounds as a fertile hunting ground for market inefficiency and alpha.
We have tied up with Smallcase for seamless execution. You can know more about our offerings here MWV
MysticWealth Options (MWO)
MysticWealth options is our defined risk Options book. We run 03 strategies on this account. Expiry trading, Trend following and mean reversion on stocks. Click here to know more
MysticWealth Tortoise (MWT)
MysticWealth Tortoise is a simple slow compounding Index Investing offering with Trend following overlay and Asset Allocation. It has a 70:15:15 composition between Nifty Junior, Gold and Gilt debt fund respectively.
We have tied up with smallcase for your ease of execution.
You can know more about our offerings here MWT